The official conference app for 15th OpenFOAM Workshop

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Jobs Posted on the Whova Community Board of 15th OpenFOAM Workshop

If you know anyone in the job market, feel free to share with them

3-year postdoc within interfacial flow numerics
Aalborg University, Denmark
I have a 3-year postdoc position available in my research group at the Mathematics Department, Aalborg University, Denmark (work location is the Copenhagen Campus). I am seeking a candidate who is highly skilled within numerical methods and mathematical modelling of fluid flows. Our focus in the group is resolved interfacial flow numerics e.g. geometric VOF (isoAdvector) and its coupling with the pressure-velocity solution procedure. The postdoc will work on improving surface tension numerics for interfacial flows on unstructured meshes. There is currently no official job add, but any interested candidates are encouraged to contact me via e-mail or here via the Whova app.
PhD Position - Multiphase CFD
TU Darmstadt
Please visit:
MSc/PhD combined 4-year project
University of Cambridge
Modelling of lubrication and wear. EPSRC DTP award - UK applicants and residents are eligible. Supervised by Hrvoje Jasak
2-year fellowship - boundary layer studies with application
Northumbria University
I am looking for a strong candidate for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship application, more information on the scheme can be found here:
The proposal submission date is 09 September 2020.

Three topics are currently under consideration:
1) Boundary layer response to arbitrary acceleration. Applications in incompressible flow - automotive sector, compressible flow - aerospace and defence sector.
2) Boundary condition development for hydrophobic and hydrophilic coatings - Application in the marine sector.
3) Flow control strategies for transonic buffeting - Application in aerospace sector.

Please contact me on the app or email me if you are interested.
Realising Industry 4.0: Joining Machine Learning with Additive Manufacture for Design Optimisation
u. Queensland/U. Exeter
PhD position joint between U. Queensland, Australia and U. Exeter, UK. The student will spend time at both institutes. The project will look at machine learning with CFD for optimisation of AM manufactured components.
PhD grant (3 positions)
University of Minho
3 years PhD grant that aims the development of novel solvers to model the flow of viscoelastic mateials, in different polymer processing techniques Previous experience in programing (C++) is recommended.
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